Annual Golf Tournament
Roma Club 2nd Annual Golf Tournament
Orchard View Golf Course
$1000 Entry Fee per Team
(Cost includes 4 participants, cart fees, welcoming reception, lunch and Buffet dinner)
Tickets for dinner only, can be purchased for $65
Door Prizes and 50/50 Draw
Shotgun Start 12:30pm
For details, e-mail [email protected]
***Registration Deadline: Monday September 25, 2023***
Sponsorship Levels
Corporate Sponsor $10,000
- $10,000 Hole in one contest sponsor
- Table Reservations
- Name Recognition on the event banner at registration
- special recognition at the awards ceremony
- Entry fee for (2) Foursomes to the event
Welcoming Reception/ Lunch Sponsor $5,000
- Table Reservations
- Name recognition on the event banner at registration
- Special recognition at the awards ceremony
- Entry fee for (1) Foursome to the event
Dinner Sponsor $5,000
- Table Reservations
- Name recognition on the event banner at registration
- Special recognition at the awards ceremony
- Entry fee for (1) Foursome to the event
Collective “Draw Prize” Sponsors $2,500
- Name Recognition on the event banner at registration
- Special recognition at the awards ceremony
- Entry fee for 2 players
Wine with Dinner & Dessert Sponsor $2,500
- Name recognition on the event banner at registration
- Special recognition at the awards ceremony
- Entry fee for 2 players
Special Playhole Sponsors $1,500 (3 Sponsors)
- Longest Drive, Closest to Pin
- Name recognition on the event banner at registration
- Special recognition at the awards ceremony
Hole Sponsors $1,000 (18 Sponsors)
- Name Recognition on the event banner at registration
- Special recognition at the awards ceremony