Roma Club Scholarship
Roma Club Scholarship Application
The Roma Club of Leamington is awarding scholarships each valued at $300 for up to three (3) students. These students will be selected from among all applicants by a committee appointed by the Roma Club Board of Directors. Each student must meet all the following eligibility criteria.
Eligibility Criteria:
1) The student must be a graduate of a publicly funded high school in Ontario.
2) The student must be going on to an accredited college or university in Ontario in September.
3) The student must have at least one parent of Italian descent.
4) At least one parent must be a Member-In-Good-Standing for the 2024 calendar year at the Roma Club of Leamington. (Please note that Roma Club By-Laws changed in 2016 – have parents call the club to confirm membership status at the phone number above.)
5) The student exhibits strong academic traits and must be involved in the local community with a focus on the Italian Community
6) The student must complete this application page, submit an accompanying current transcript of his/her grades, and submit the required 2-3 page letter as described below.
STUDENT NAME: ____________________________________________________
e-mail Address: ____________________________________________________
Home Address: _______________________________ _______________ ______________
Street Address City Postal Code
High School Currently Attending: _____________________________________________________
Father’s Full Name: __________________________________ Member? Yes / No (circle one)
Mother’s Full Name: _________________________________ Member? Yes / No (circle one)
School Destination & Program for September 2024: ________________________________________
Provide a 2-3 page letter which highlights the following information:
– details of community service involvement, including total hours accumulated to date
– extracurricular involvement, including athletics, clubs, and outside agencies
– your involvement in your local Italian community
– any other information you deem relevant to this application
Download the Application here : 2024 Roma Club Scholarship Application
Please be sure to attach a copy of your transcripts to your application package and submit the completed package to the Roma Club of Leamington, Attention: Scholarship Selection Committee at the above address or via email to [email protected] no later than March 1st, 2024. Late applications may not be considered.